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Chicago Illinois

This is a site for showing my art portfolio. Much of this portfolio is heavily fantasy-driven.

Final Fantasy XIV Vulnerability Stack Effect Gold Spinning Enamel Pin

Enamel Pins

Final Fantasy XIV Vulnerability Stack Effect Gold Spinning Enamel Pin

Final Fantasy XIV - Vuln Stack Spinning Enamel Pin.jpg
Final Fantasy XIV - Vuln Stack Spinning Enamel Pin - 1.jpg
Final Fantasy XIV - Vuln Stack Spinning Enamel Pin.jpg
Final Fantasy XIV - Vuln Stack Spinning Enamel Pin - 1.jpg

Final Fantasy XIV Vulnerability Stack Effect Gold Spinning Enamel Pin

from $15.00

Currently my restock that I had made is undergoing another quality pass so I should be getting these in the middle of April 2025

This is a 45mm gold enamel pin featuring the vulnerability stack effect from the mmo final fantasy xiv. The spinning element of the pin allows you to customize if you are feeling like a one or four or up to a sixteen. There is a video to showcase this spinning element!

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