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Chicago Illinois

This is a site for showing my art portfolio. Much of this portfolio is heavily fantasy-driven.

Demigod Veloce + Feroce Dragon Head Enamel Pins

Enamel Pins

Demigod Veloce + Feroce Dragon Head Enamel Pins

Original- Demigod Dragon Feroce and Veloce Pins.jpg
Original- Demigod Dragon Feroce and Veloce Pins - 1.jpg
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Demigod Dragon Head - Gold Enamel Pin ad.jpg
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Original- Demigod Dragon Feroce and Veloce Pins - 1.jpg
Original- Demigod Dragon Feroce and Veloce Pins - 2.jpg
Demigod Dragon Head - Gold Enamel Pin ad.jpg

Demigod Veloce + Feroce Dragon Head Enamel Pins


These are both gold hard enamel pins that are 2.75 inches at its longest length

If stock runs out please keep a close watch on twitter for any new information of restocks

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