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Chicago Illinois

This is a site for showing my art portfolio. Much of this portfolio is heavily fantasy-driven.

March/April Preorder - Hisuian + Johtonian Typhlosion Gold Enamel Pins

Enamel Pins

March/April Preorder - Hisuian + Johtonian Typhlosion Gold Enamel Pins

Pokemon - Typhlosion Enamel Pins.jpg
Pokemon - Typhlosion Enamel Pins 1.jpg
Pokemon - Typhlosion Enamel Pins 2.jpg
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Pokemon - Typhlosion Enamel Pins.jpg
Pokemon - Typhlosion Enamel Pins 1.jpg
Pokemon - Typhlosion Enamel Pins 2.jpg
Typhlosion Sales Post.jpg

March/April Preorder - Hisuian + Johtonian Typhlosion Gold Enamel Pins


*** Please note that this is currently a preorder period for this design that will be ready at the end of the month in March 2025 or Early April 2025***

These are enamel pins of each variant of typhlosion available in the pocket monster games! Each design is 60mm in size and will feature glitter and print detailing!

Follow me on social media for art + updates!


Typhlosion Variant:
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