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Chicago Illinois

This is a site for showing my art portfolio. Much of this portfolio is heavily fantasy-driven.

Armored Core VI Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel

Enamel Pins

Armored Core VI Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel

Armored Core 6 Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel Pin.jpg
Armored Core 6 Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel Pin Ad 2.jpg
Armored Core 6 Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel Pin.jpg
Armored Core 6 Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel Pin Ad 2.jpg

Armored Core VI Coral Raven Black Nickel Enamel


This is a enamel pin of my interpretation of our callsign emblem for our raven in armored core 6. Each pin will be 80mm in height and there will be print details and a special backstamp on the back!

If stock runs out please keep a close watch on twitter for any new information of restocks and updates.

Follow me on social media for art + updates!



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