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Chicago Illinois

This is a site for showing my art portfolio. Much of this portfolio is heavily fantasy-driven.

Land of the Lustrous Gold Foil 11 x 17 Art Print

Acrylic/Wooden Charms

Land of the Lustrous Gold Foil 11 x 17 Art Print

Moon Phosphophyllite web.jpg
Moon Phosphophyllite web.jpg

Land of the Lustrous Gold Foil 11 x 17 Art Print

from $18.00

This is an 11 x 17 print of my land of the lustrous phos print on heavy card stock paper. There are 2 variations to this print the default is the gold foil print and the other version is the non foil. Foil areas will just be in white.

If stock runs out please keep a close watch on twitter for any new information of restocks.Follow me on social media for art + updates!



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