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Chicago Illinois

This is a site for showing my art portfolio. Much of this portfolio is heavily fantasy-driven.

Elden Ring Sliding Blue Eel Dyed Soft Enamel Pin

Acrylic/Wooden Charms

Elden Ring Sliding Blue Eel Dyed Soft Enamel Pin

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Elden Ring Sliding Blue Eel Dyed Soft Enamel Pin


This soft enamel pin is 55mm at it's longest length and utilizes both printed and recessed metal for many small details added to the pin to make it special. The second piece of enamel metal is the sliding mechanic that is the blue eel frienemies from the new dlc of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. The blue eel will have printed details and will also be see through due to the stained glass effect to mimic the ghostly look of them.

If stock runs out please keep a close watch on twitter for any new information of restocks
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